The pursuit of people centricity

People centric is a term that I didn’t use to have in my bag of words. And it is strange. I mean, as a manager, I always thought to be a team player, a servant leader. I always understood my work to be as a facilitator or enabler for the team, but with all the manager added stuff. But unlike customer-centric term, I never thought or heard about it in any company so far.

Nowadays, customer experience strategies are in the set list of all the companies. In most, it is one of their priorities. But you may found that not all the companies have people-centric strategies. And there’s a correlation between them.

Always treat your employees exactly as you

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Learnings from the first week working at home

Honestly speaking, more than a week has passed since COVID quarantine started in Spain and the state of alarm was declared by the government. In this post I’ll try to recap all the takeaways from the first week “locked” at home, not only working but keeping daily habits to stay safe and healthy.

Is is strange to say that I am doing “Home office” or that I “Work from home”. I have always defended the possibility, but I have never been a real promoter. I love working at the office, and build relationships with my mates. I live close to it, 15 minutes by car. This improved my “life quality”.

“Home office” was an eternal request from the employees, always … Read the rest!

Values for which hire and fire

You may have probably heard about company culture and core values, so today I want to share some ideas about values. This title “values for which hire and fire” is the adaptation of an excerpt from a book mentioned below, and what it means is that you should base your recruitment process following your -company, department, team- core values, and you should also let people leave the company when they did not fit to them.

There are lots of posts, articles, tweets, regarding values and company culture. But it was reading “Delivering Happiness” (influenced by heavyweight books like “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, and “Tribal Leadership” by Dave Logan and John King) when I could understand the … Read the rest!