Fostering Creativity in STEM To Prepare Our Next Generation

Fostering Creativity in STEM To Prepare Our Next Generation was the title of my fifteenth newsletter issue. This post is an excerpt from it.

Recently, researchers found that creativity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (also called STEM) is very similar to creativity in the arts.

You could see the details in the article Which is more creative, the arts or the sciences?, where you could also find a link to the study.

As it turns out, creativity is general in nature—it is essentially a multifaceted competency that involves similar attitudes, disposition, skills, and knowledge, all transferable from one situation to another.

Developing and fostering students creativity

If this is true, there’s a need to teach STEM students … Read the rest!

Are you fired up? Ready to go!

Last Monday I was shown Obama’s “Fired up, ready to go” speech in a corporate meeting. It was at the end of the meeting, as a motivational video.

Now I know that it wasn’t the original video, it was Obama retelling the story doing campaign for Hillary Clinton. This is the video, and I recommend you to see it:

There’s another previous video where he tells the story of “Fired Up! Ready to Go!”, from his final rally in 2012.

If you don’t want to enjoy the video, this is the original story: In June 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama visited the small town of Greenwood, South Carolina, as part of his campaign efforts. When he arrived at the town’s … Read the rest!