Company Town Hall meetings: Communicating is caring

Company Town hall meetings, all-hands meetings, q&a meetings or sessions, are defined as a way that the management of a company has to meet and connect with their employees. A member of upper management (CEO, board member, or a country/regional manager) usually hosts these meetings that are attended by all employees, or in these times as video conferences.

Topics may vary depending on what’s going on in the company. They usually share the status of the company and the most relevant issues at the moment, and there’s a Q&A section at the end where employees can ask could find answers to topics that are interested or worried about.

All hands meeting

This post was born by an interesting twitter question (or thread) started … Read the rest!

Disruptive Innovation. What it is, and what it is not.

This is the continuation of an earlier post about Clayton Christensen and “How will you measure your life”. I decided to split the original post because, in my opinion, both works How will you measure your life and disruptive innovation, deserved an individual post.

If you never heard about him, or you heard but you don’t know much, I recommend you to look for him and his articles on Harvard Business Review. Clayton Christensen is considered one of the most influential business thinkers, and earned several awards and recognitions.

“Disruptive innovation” is the concept linked to his career. He first published about it in the article Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave, which was the seed of his … Read the rest!

Personality types and colors, knowing better the people around you

We are all different as human beings, and guessing about people’s personality types is always a mystery. I will share today my experience doing a test that I did several years ago, and that helped me in that way.

In my personal experience, it started as a kind of game included inside a training. We stood up, the floor was divided into four sections, and based on questions that the coach was asking, we moved.

When the questions ended, we were standing over the section that most approached our personality, which identified a color.

But how could a simple color help us to know better the people around us?

As you may have imagined, each color is linked to a … Read the rest!

Decentralized organizations working like a swarm with AI

You probably know Azeems Azhar’s Exponential View. Also, there’s a podcast, and the last time invited Daniel Hulme, CEO of Satalia, who explained his radical vision on how technology can be honest to build fundamentally decentralized organizations.

I recommend you to listen to it, only 38 minutes, but if you want to know more first, keep reading and you’ll find some insights (spoiler alert).

The Vision

Think about an organization with no managers, no KPI, no holiday control, evaluated by peer review… It seems chaotic, isn’t it? Daniel assures that it works.

The vision is to try to create an organization that works like a swarm, where people have the freedom to work on the things that … Read the rest!

Virtual Shopper, social selling goods through live streaming

I included in my last newsletter a twitter thread that shared a proposal about which would be the technologies that would drive the future online sales. It was Connie Chan, investor, and partner at a16z, who pointed out that Amazon’s next competitor would be a social or video app, social selling, and live streaming.


Social selling is not new, nor are live streaming platforms and services. And it sounds strange to say that the future Amazon would be a social and video App, while big players like Facebook and Shopify are moving towards the shopping apps. Let’s understand why it could matter in the future.

Why social and video features could play an important role?

What Connie … Read the rest!