About the offboarding process, people leaving and rehiring

These thoughts and insights about the offboarding process, about people leaving, and even rehiring them after, were initially included in my last newsletter.

Hard times are moments of reflection

This pandemic year is very complicated for many companies, and still might be next year. This situation usually ends in a lot of changes, and good people are leaving. We’ve seen lots of layoffs during this period, e.g., we saw recently LinkedIn, Yelp, Optimizely, or Skyscanner. In the first newsletter, I shared this layoff tracker where you could have a quick vision of what’s going on.

I wanted to dedicate a time to reflect on how to deal with this process in the best way possible. It isn’t easy … Read the rest!

Understanding and beating procrastination

Why would you delay something that you think is important to do? It doesn’t make sense, isn’t it? Maybe you’re one of the few people that always do what they say they are going to do. But for the rest of the human beings, procrastination is a real challenge.

Just check this video about the master procrastinator, at least for enjoying the laughs.

Procrastination is not a consequence of laziness or an instant gratification monkey. Our brains are programmed to procrastinate. It is also a learned habit. And as it happens with any pattern, it can be changed. Almost 40% of our activities are based on habits, and we can change them by integrating new practices that would … Read the rest!

Psychological safety

Enabling psychological safety for diversity, inclusion, and belonging

This text first appeared in my newsletter. It was some weeks ago when I found this tweet (and article on Psychology Today) from Amy Edmondson, Ph.D., HBS professor, and book author of The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth.

My 120 character tweet summary just highlighted some of the points shared inside: “Leaders who care about diversity must care about psychological safety, just as those who care about psychological safety must also care about diversity, inclusion, and belonging”.… Read the rest!