Decentralized organizations working like a swarm with AI

You probably know Azeems Azhar’s Exponential View. Also, there’s a podcast, and the last time invited Daniel Hulme, CEO of Satalia, who explained his radical vision on how technology can be honest to build fundamentally decentralized organizations.

I recommend you to listen to it, only 38 minutes, but if you want to know more first, keep reading and you’ll find some insights (spoiler alert).

The Vision

Think about an organization with no managers, no KPI, no holiday control, evaluated by peer review… It seems chaotic, isn’t it? Daniel assures that it works.

The vision is to try to create an organization that works like a swarm, where people have the freedom to work on the things that … Read the rest!

Virtual Shopper, social selling goods through live streaming

I included in my last newsletter a twitter thread that shared a proposal about which would be the technologies that would drive the future online sales. It was Connie Chan, investor, and partner at a16z, who pointed out that Amazon’s next competitor would be a social or video app, social selling, and live streaming.

Social selling is not new, nor are live streaming platforms and services. And it sounds strange to say that the future Amazon would be a social and video App, while big players like Facebook and Shopify are moving towards the shopping apps. Let’s understand why it could matter in the future.

Why social and video features could play an important role?

What Connie … Read the rest!

What is the Long Tail? From Mass Market to Mass of Niches.

This post about Long Tail was originally created on 2012-04-15 in Spanish.

These past days I have been reviewing the Harvard Business Review case study about Leadership Online: Barnes & Noble vs., to evaluate the factors that determined why an unknown internet company ended up winning the battle against the almighty Barnes & Noble, by then the undisputed leader in the retail sale of books in the US.

One of the advantages of Amazon’s business over its competitor was its Long Tail model, a term popularized by Chris Anderson (editor-in-chief of Wired magazine) in an article in 2004 which later ended in a Book: The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of MoreRead the rest!

Who wants to be a manager? Questions and experiences

While I was reading the book “The Making of a Manager” from Julie Zhuo, she shared an experience that reminded me of a previous and similar experience. So I decided to write about what means to be a manager or to move or promote to a manager position. I also would like to recommend her book.

Returning to the book and the experience, Julie shared that while she was managing a team, the team expanded, and this growth made it possible to promote a team member into a manager position. She thought on her best designer, the most experienced, who was usually the one in which the team relied on, made questions, and had all the trust from the … Read the rest!

Leadership of the GOAT. What makes a leader?

This post has its origin in the newsletter, where I shared my opinion about the leadership of the GOAT and asked about the same questions about his leadership style and what makes a leader, and also in “The Last Dance” series from Netflix, where we all were able to see the amazing years from those magic Bulls from Michael Jordan point of view, with its nuts and bolts.

My curiosity started when I saw this tweet by chance and I saw some of the comments, and also in particular comments from people who were sharing. There was a word that was repeated more often: leadership.

I found an ESPN article based on the same documentary where the … Read the rest!